Free Crystal Light Table Demonstration

Attend and you are eligible to book a free remote energy scan with Chris!

September 13, 2019 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Friday, September 13, 2019 at the Spectrum Center

7:00 P.M. — 8:30 P.M.

This FREE event gives you an opportunity to learn about the Forsyth Crystal Light Table©, which is a unique energy tool that combines ancient and modern healing modalities. Treatments with this unique and scientifically crafted crystal light table produce consistent and remarkable results. Chris will discuss:

  • The science behind the crystal light table and the various healing modalities used
  • The process used and what to expect during and after a crystal light table session
  • How long you can be on the table and how often, including sessions for children

Attend and you are eligible to book a free remote energy scan with Chris! 

Energy Scan Sessions are what some refer to as getting a Spiritual X-Ray. Chris uses methods to perform a complete 40 point energy scan and an aura health check. This service can be used to identify blocks, resistance, overcharge, uneven energy flow, or the basis for disharmony related to a variety of issues. You will receive recommendations on how to resolve any energy concerns.

The Energy Scan Sessions are phone sessions only.  

You must be present to receive the free energy scan.


Spectrum Center

2060 N. Loop W #205, Houston, Texas 77018

Questions: Call or email: 713-303-7107

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