What Is IEL?

A Multi-Level Intuitive Energy Training Program offered by Russell Forsyth and The IEL Institute

The Intuit the Energy of Love (IEL) Program emerged from Russell Forsyth’s extensive studies of the spiritual realm over a decade. This body of work was born from a combination of practical teachings received from the spiritual domain, as well as from comprehensive studies with teachers such as Dr. Doreen Virtue and studies of the written work of Dr. William Baldwin, Dr. Marcel Vogel, Edgar Cayce, and other spiritual professors. It is the intention of this intuitive energy training to help people at all skill levels, from beginners to professionals in established practices, develop or advance their intuitive skills and knowledge of energy medicine.

Spiritual scientists, like Dr. Marcel Vogel, left valuable information related to quantum physics gained through laboratory experiments. Dr. Vogel was led to evidence-based discoveries that allowed for expansion around the concepts of healing the human mind, body and spirit.

The IEL Program developed through a decade of one-on-one private practice case studies. These studies developed further into a curriculum focused on teaching individuals how to improve their intuitive skills and then put that knowledge to work in a professional practice.

The “IEL” letters are an acronym for Intuit the Energy of Love. The inspiration for the name was derived from the history of angelic names ending with ‘iel’, such as Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Haniel, and Archangel Jophiel, which means “of God” or “of love.” All the teachings contained in the intuitive energy training are based in loving intentions and powered by the energy of love.